SKINCARE - Skyn Iceland Hydro Cool Firming Eye Gels

by - July 07, 2015

Skyn Iceland’s Hydro Cool Firming Eye Gels with Hexapeptide Technology ($33 for 8 pairs) claim to firm, tone bright reduce the appearance of puffiness and wrinkles on the under-eye skin within ten minutes.
I just want to start off by saying that I don’t have prominent wrinkles or dark circles under my eyes. My under-eye skin is a bit darker in the inner third, but that’s about it. So that eliminates the claims of brightening and reducing the wrinkles for my case.

My eyes do get puffy sometimes when I stay up really late fiddling with my phone – who needs sleep, am I right? – or from crying my eyes out watching Korean dramas. Today was one of those Korean drama hang-overs, so I decided to test the eye gels out.
When I first opened it, I was worried because I thought the gels had dried out, but it turns out the top layer is soft – sort of like when you open a new blackhead nose strip – and the layer underneath Is the gel. With that being said, I was really careful with removing the film the gel was attached to, it didn’t come off easy and I didn’t want to rip the gel patch. Following the instructions, I stuck them under my eye and left them on for ten minutes (maybe a bit more, I was distracted by my phone again!).  The gels weren’t stick per se, but they stuck on – similar to those sticky jelly hands we flung at walls as a kid (tell me I’m not the only one). It felt very weird, every time I blinked or moved my eye, I could feel the edge of the gel on my skin and I kept checking the mirror every 15 seconds or so to make sure it wasn’t going to stab my eye, but it didn’t budge.
After about 12 minutes, I remembered to remove them and did notice that my eyes were no longer puffy. I wouldn’t say they were toned though, more like hydrated. I’m not sure if these eye gels live up to the hype, but it’s definitely something I would want just in case of emergency such as a big event.

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